Why not Chesnut Brown over Sealing Wax Red?
I searched that color scheme and it seems to be pretty popular based on the number of real buses found. But honestly that color scheme isn't my style. I wanted something different, which is why I went purple on the bottom. But since its not the Plum Crazy that I was hoping for, I'm just leaving it this way. (with the finishing touches that I previously mentioned, not yet completed)
On a sad note, the car lot that has the VW's that I tried to buy (numerous times) was on the News today. It burned down in a 5 alarm fire. At least 3 beetles, and 1 or 2 type 3's were in the fire today. He wouldn't come down enough for me to buy them. I wouldn't go up since the cheap ones had rust issues. His loss ultimately since now they are wasted. Its too early to know how he made out since its not been long enough since the fire. But I would conservatively guess that he lost a million dollars worth of oldies in that blaze.