My first post was my SG2 fiasco :
(long) Scangauge II vs. old European diesel Renault...
Because I can't use a SG2, I'm beginning to ecomod my megane. The first step is the lower grill block. By now it's the first version with cardboard and tape, so here is "the lower grill block by a dummy

I cut of the cardboard and covered it with tape by beginning by borders, then I taped the grill block over the lower grill.
The radiator is tall and wide, it's the black box on the second picture. The red boxes are openings to the radiator. The green box is the opening to the turbo's radiator, I don't use the turbo a lot but the dashboard doesn't have a light in case of turbo dysfunction. The blue box was already closed, but was deeeep.
I ran 60 km (37.5 M) today at 70 km/h (43.5 mph). The engine heated more than usually, but less than when I run on the highway for a long trip. If it heat then I'll cut the lower right corner.
Because I only found this color of solid tape, the grill block is very "stealth"... I just have to find the situation where it will be so
The megane has already a rather good Cx (0.32) but I wish to continue. Second step may be rear wheel skirts, but I will have to use other materials than cardboard...
Edit :
- cost = 2€ of tape and 0 of cardboard
- butt-o-meter : no difference in feeling after 120 km (75 miles)
Have fun,