Today I build one cardboard rear wheel skirt, taped it onto the car and drive-tested it
From the first picture you can see the wheel is outside the car, so I glued layers to the skirt, as seen on the third picture. From the second picture you can see the door is near the wheel, so I taped the skirt "inside the door".
For the skirt to be strong, I used a piece of bamboo I taped outside the lower end of the skirt.
You can see the final work on pictures 4 and 5.
I test-drived it during 28km (18 miles) at speeds between 70 & 110 km/h (43 & 68 mph). I didn't go so fast since weeks

At the middle of the trip I stopped to look at the skirt but it didn't moved

At home I just added a few pieces of tape to more secure the bamboo.
My butt-o-meter told me it felt better

but I'm sure my brain dictated that as I felt so proud to have made something more complicated than a bulb change
I should finish and tape the second skirt tomorrow. I Hope it will not rain this week...
I also taped some cardboard on one front wheel hubcap (no picture) but I'm not so sure that it's really useful compare to my current hubcaps. What do you think about ?