An early 2000s camry I drove had ridiculously overboosted power steering, i'll bet those overboosted Toyotas can benefit from a P/S delete more than my car did. It would also be a lot easier to drive, not weighing 3400 lbs. Corollas of that era MIGHT have been available with manual steering, something worth looking into. Now, that being said, I have gained MAYBE 1% from my P/S delete. It really is more of a performance mod than a gas mileage mod.
-Kaze o tatakaimasen-
Best trip in V6: 52.0
Best tank in V6: 46.0
Best tank in Mazda: 49.9
Best tank in CBR: 61.3
Best tank in SV: 83.9
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
You can lead a fashion-conscious horse to unusual-looking water...
Last edited by Daschicken; 11-28-2017 at 08:32 PM..