I bought my Accord as a backup car, only planning on running errands once a week, but my Civic has developed significant problems since then. I have never liked printing insurance cards, it is an entire sheet of paper for one small piece that I will probably need to shred without using.
I have an app for that!
Tonight the highway patrol pulled me over for having a cracked windshield and the officer acted fine with the digital version, but as I closed all of my apps and unfortunately did not think to turn on airplane mode, I just did not feel handing law enforcement my unlocked phone was the best idea.
My roommate says that if the police went through my phone it would be illegal search and seizure and he absolutely would sue them over it.
I will be printing off insurance cards tomorrow.
As for my windshield, the officer said:
"A rock could hit it."
Now I have five days to replace it. Technically, it was illegal to leave Flagstaff without having my windshield replaced. Apparently there is a twenty-four-hour windshield swapper in Flagstaff!
Also, since I am already replacing my windshield... I feel like seeing what if something hits my windshield. What do you say that I measure ten feet from the glass and toss my sledgehammer at it?
Have a great day!