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Old 09-21-2017, 12:11 AM   #6 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
We need to get very good at this and figure out how to reduce any of the draw backs to trash buring power plants. Which is mainly just a matter of making sure we recyle all of the plastic, batteries, and lightbulbs out of the stream.
It might be quite labor-intensive to make sure all the waste supplied is safe to use as a fuel. But anyway, it's often pointed out that painted wood should not be burned due to the chemicals found in paints, so it would also require some filtration of the smoke to reduce the amount of contaminants eventually released into the atmosphere.

The ash is then perfectly suitable as "cap" for traditional landfill use to eliminate having to buy the other types.
I remember when I went to a coal-fired power plant, and there was at least one cement industry nearby that used most of the heavy ash.
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