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Old 09-26-2017, 05:13 PM   #16 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by puddleglum View Post
I rarely go on the highway in the Echo, but when I do my mileage is at best the same as in town, and usually it is worse. Even in my Rondo which is generally a pig doing short trips in town, on a highway trip, I'll often see my mileage increase when I get into the city.
With a smaller engine matched to a gearing that is shorter than the kick of a pig, having to be revved the hell out past its efficiency band in order to keep up with traffic speed, it gets harder to keep a reasonable fuel-efficiency. But anyway, most of the changes in MPG that I ever experienced driving a smaller (and most often underpowered) car in highway had not yet been worse than city mileage, even though that gap was quite narrow anyway.
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