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Old 09-27-2017, 06:33 PM   #1795 (permalink)
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Meanwhile, back in the Whittaker neighborhood, that hotbed of anarchism:


Many thanks to all of you, our supporters, believers and investors, who have delivered the largest pure-crowd fundraise for a vehicle company. We raised almost $20M in just over a month. The most exciting part of all of this effort, aside from the overwhelming vote of confidence from the community, is that we can now build out and move into our new factory location, ramp up the production line, and deliver vehicles to our early customers – including those who have been patiently following for multiple years[*]. All hyperbole aside, this is the single most significant milestone for Arcimoto to date, and we have you to thank for it.

*That would include me. My reservation number is in the mid-100s.
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