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Old 10-01-2017, 03:30 AM   #45 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
But then you have to live in Canada.
Even though the climate there is not my cup of tea, and I strongly disagree with the current prime-minister Justin Trudeau and all the SJWs around, maybe it would still be better for me to live in Canada than here in Brazil.

Like so many other places, it'd be great if it wasn't for the government. I mean, a country that makes you drive with your headlights on in broad daylight? That's as bad as Oregon not letting you pump your own gas :-(
Having to drive with the headlights on even in daylight sounds quite dumb, but it's not exclusive to Canada. It also happens in Uruguay

Hummm... I wonder if they'll let you plug in your own EV at a charging station?
Isn't it possible to plug them in a regular outlet at home when a charging station is not available nearby? Anyway, what would they do next? Invade people's homes and enforce them to hire somebody supposed to be more capacitated to plug or unplug their appliances?
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