Mainstream Western style modern global capitalism was developed during a time of immense fossil fueled constant growth which has been going on for more one person's lifetime. As depicted by the arrow in the chart. So any other set of world system parameters other than those is a complete blind spot for current economists and politicians who are now in charge.
It will find the end of it's applicability when total available energy starts to decline. It will also cling to it's role by forcing us to continue to use fossil fuel despite the emissions that are wrecking the planet. As we see with the current administration who was voted in by people who demand that growth continue. If we do not grow USA GDP by 3% every year, for the next 10 years, we will not be able to cover the money we borrowed from the future. The entire world is in this situation and many countries are already bankrupt.
We have a two headed problem. The only way to maintain energy growth is with continued fossil fuel use which is wrecking the planet. Someday.
And the only way to keep from catastrophic failure of the world capatlistic economy is with steady growth. Now.
Last edited by sendler; 10-16-2017 at 07:30 AM..