Originally Posted by sendler
1- Somehow even the concept of separate nations on our shared planet must go away in order to implement a carbon tax right when it comes out of the ground to put a true price on it's head.
2- But the world economy would irrevocably crash and require the repatriation and redistribution of hidden wealth.
3- There must also unfortunately be a new idealogical crusade against any doctrines that do not accept science and that promote positive population growth.
1- So the movement seeks to control the entire world? Because that is precisely what you just wrote.
2- So the movement seeks to thoroughly strip everybody in the world of everything that they have, and then re purpose the assets according to the interests of the leaders?
3- Of course, every movement like yours has required extensive thought control and brainwashing. It is vital that you devalue all opposing viewpoints by alleging them of "not accepting science". Extra style points awarded if your leaders behead the dissenters who are vastly superior to you as scientists, and use the scientific method to debunk .