I've got a lot of numbers going around at work today, so I'm probably confused on my end and I'll just cut and paste a bit.
Blacks killed 2,340 blacks
whites killed 2,574 whites
Five hundred black murder victims in 2015 were killed by whites--8.6%
Two hundred and twenty nine white murder victims in 2015 were killed by blacks--15.8%
There are more white murder victims overall, but 229 white deaths count as 15.8% while over twice as many black deaths are counted as about half the percentage? It seems that black lives, in fact, don't matter as much as white lives.
My math shows 500 out of 2840 black victims to be 17.6% and 229 out of 2803 to be 8.2%- so white murder victims are less than half as likely to have been killed by blacks than black murder victims are to have been killed by whites. I didn't research any of this, I just saw your numbers and the math didn't look right. Maybe you just transposed the numbers?