The Carbon pulse is inherently temporary and creating hockey sticks everywhere we look. Population, economy/standard of living, food production, marine life depletion from over-fishing. acidification, warming.
Acidification and warming have positive feedbacks which can kick in.
Do we care about future generations at all? Wouldn't some crude oil be useful to them in 1,000 years. Metals? A living ocean? 100,000 years? Wouldn't they enjoy seeing diverse wildlife? These are your children.
The carbon pulse is not just about warming. Or not to warm. As carbon availability tips over the top this century, the economy will follow. This is a huge blind spot. There will be an end to growth like it or not. The current Ponzi scheme will end. It would be much more humane to accept this and start planning for it. Economy/ standard of living and food production will follow it down. Phosphate fertilizer reserves may be depleted before crude oil. Growing corn to feed it to cars or beef will one day become too calorie inefficient.
1 barrel of oil contains the same energy as many years worth of hard human labor. Economists and politicians have no inkling of this relationship with our fossil slaves. All of the economic models we use to guide us were formed during this magic, one time carbon pulse and will soon no longer apply.
Reduce, reuse, recycle, simplify, eat vegetable proteins.
Think, learn, talk.