So for NY state 33 GW average electrical consumption summer and 24 GW winter we need 100GW of wind operating at 25% to get us through the winter weeks of Zero sun and another 60GW of solar PV when it will work at 25% in the summer for the increased consumption and decreased wind.
We have adequate wind. On shore at the East end of Lake Erie and the Tug Hill Platue East of Lake Ontario and near shore off of Long Island.
We can then use Lake Erie as hydro storage to fill in demand via Niagara Falls when we need it.
How much land does this take? Modern Turbines at 30% are about 1 Watt/ meter^2.
non-utility electical generation The Energy Advocate
100,000 km^2. Which is a square that is 182 km on a side for each of the three wind areas
How much money?
The biggest (cheapest) turbines are somewhere around $1.50/ Watt.
$150 Billion
Solar farms are still way over $2/ Watt installed in my area. And another 400km^2 land for the panels.
So another $120 Billion for the solar pv.
How do we do this. Private development of wind and solar has very few takers in NY even with 55% combined rebates and a $0.03 feed in tariff.
NY, USA solar farms in December. 42*N. Record cold this year. They have probably looked about like this 25 of the last 30 days. It really hasn't snowed that much here. Maybe 12 inches for the month. But it has been cold. 20F average? 15F? -1F right now. Most types of heat require electricity for water or fan circulation. This will eventually have to change back to radiant, gravity, or steam. And biofuel.


This is what the sun looks like at 2:30 in December.
