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Old 01-09-2018, 11:41 AM   #130 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
If there were two altermotors on a serpentine belt, you'd not get the drive train loses, so you're net loss would be less.

Viable options for charging in motion include solar panels and a pantograph on overhead wires.
Okay, so having two hub mounted generators operating off of the drive axle is not as efficient? I am just saying, I refuse to reconfigure my motor set-up if the hub motors are going to be this much of a royal pain to figure out how to keep charged for continuous use with the gasoline engine. I am even so desperate as to use the engine's alternator to help in the recharge efforts if it is required, albeit a higher output alternator.

Another technology to harness in the future could be the use of thin solar panel film on the car, although during the winter it won't help much.

The major selling point of this system is going to be it's ability to charge itself. Why should people be limited to the plug in charge of the lithium battery pack when you can use the gasoline motor to help in the recharge effort. An electric motor working half as hard uses less energy and a gasoline motor working half as hard uses less fuel, especially when the air/fuel ratio is leaned out and the emissions are further slashed when the fuel burned is cleaner Iso-Butanol or Bio-Diesel blended with up to 20% Bio-Butanol.

Together, both electric motors and gasoline engine complement the other and both would theoretically give you an extended driving range that not even a pure electric car could compete with! Combine the performance of a V8 gasoline engine with hybrid technology and you have a much better performing car!

TESLA, eat your heart out!
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