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Old 01-26-2018, 12:42 PM   #247 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by Phoenix'97 View Post
This is why I am exploring my options and seeing what I can and can not do. Fortunately I don't live in California but New York has recently adopted the stringent emissions standards of California. So, trying to do my part to help make my car more "emissions friendly", I am exploring the tried-and-true methods to improve low RPM/mid-range RPM torque production from an improved factory/mild cammed 5.7L engine. Front wheel electric hub motors can also assist in the low RPM torque production. Yes, I am aware of the legality behind long tube headers, even if I have them built with emissions hook-ups and making use of California catalytic converters! I need to ask around and see what I can do!

EVEN TO USE ISO-BUTANOL IN MY CAR MAY BE ILLEGAL! Someone mentioned that if I am not paying some tax on this fuel for my car that I can get in trouble with the IRS. Well, if Big Brother is reading this, you better find a way to tax the fuel now, huh? Do they even tax Ethanol when the damn stuff is heavily subsidized? They tax non-ethanol gasoline which is what I use!
Everything you plan to do is illegal under federal law and has been since the Clean Air Act passed in 1973. The Clean Air Act made it illegal to modify your car in any way that changes the emissions. That rules out all engine modifications. If it isn't factory spec it is illegal unless the tuning company has tested and certified that the car still meets emission standards after the new parts are installed. OEMs and large tuning companies like Hennessey and Roush offer legal modification packages. The last time I had a product certified the testing was $250,000 so you can see why most companies just sell parts that are illegal for road use and pretend the are for "Competition Use Only".

Now that New York has adopted CARB the emissions requirements in NY are identical to those in CA. However, they are not retroactive and your 1997 car is only required to meet 1997 standards.

Running Iso-Butanol is your car it illegal. Not just because you plan to dodge road taxes but also because your car has not been certified to use that fuel. You can only legally use fuels that your car has been tested and certified to use. In your case that is gasoline and ethanol blends up to E10.

Yes, Ethanol is taxed. The subsidies are for corn production and ethanol production and go to those producers. It is taxed the same as gasoline at point of use.

If you truly want to reduce emissions you need to park the Firebird and start driving a modern car with current emission controls at least for the majority of your miles. Even if your car was like new running perfectly, your car is producing much more pollution than a modern car. Car have become MUCH cleaner in the past 20 years.

Last edited by JSH; 01-26-2018 at 12:49 PM.. Reason: Typo
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