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Old 02-08-2018, 12:15 PM   #185 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
As we've said before, the value of a college education depends on what you major in...

The student loan thing depends, too. Go to some expensive out-of-state school, major in something that isn't in high demand (e.g. anything where unpaid internships are the norm), and live a middle-class lifestyle on your loans... Well, you'll be stuck with a big debt and no realistic way to pay it off. Go to you local state U, live as cheaply as possible, and work as much as you can, and you'll have those loans paid off in a few years.

As for it taking up time otherwise used for earning money, just how much does that idiot think people make flipping burgers, doing field work, being a motel maid, or any of the other unskilled jobs that are open to people without connections?
Which is why my comment was that college is not only unhelpful, but detrimental to many people, but not all. The main problem is that people lack focus. If there is no particular goal in mind that requires a college education, then it's not likely to be a net benefit. My wife went through undergrad and recently got her masters while completing a 2 year physicians assistant program. This was worthwhile because the occupation requires the education and it pays well enough to offset the time spent getting there.

That said, I barely graduated highschool with a 2.6 GPA, went to prison, and make more money than my wife. Getting an early start in a career has many advantages. Fast food and other minimum wage jobs aren't careers; they are starter jobs for highschool kids and people who are new to the country as a way to establish work history and make a little money.

The traditional school model is ancient and needs to change. There is no reason why students should gather by the hundreds, paying a sub-par professor thousands of dollars to lecture them. I can watch a video of a top professor in their field give a lecture online for free. Education needs to adapt to superior modes of learning and charge a lower fee.

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I never looked for scholarships before. I spent a while going through everything I found. It turns out that either they want you to have much better grades than I have earned, be some kind of minority, or it is only for one community college or something, but supposedly many scholarships go unclaimed every year because nobody applied.
Just claim yourself as a minority. Why not? We're accepting of people who identify as their opposite sex, so who is to say you cannot identify with some other ethnicity? I always list myself as native american when taking those racist surveys. I'm not native to anywhere else.

I haven't listened to this Joe Rogan podcast yet, so I cannot comment on the content, but I assume it's a good overview of Jordan's philosophy.

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