Originally Posted by Xist
I am a quarter Guatemalan, so I am a minority minority. I forget the exact questions, but when I fill out applications I often put Hispanic and white. I just think it is weird they often have Hispanic and Caucasian as mutually-exclusive.
I am not sure a scholarship program would seriously consider me when my real name is Whitey McWhiteface.
(That Guatemalan blood is not strong in me)
Which underscores my point that those who are most "racially sensitive" are the most racist. We are all extreme minorities because we all are unique individuals, sharing the exact same background with nobody. Attempting to categorize people into minority groups is an effort in futility, as you point out with your 25% guatemalan example. I was born into a poor (US poor) family with 25% Japanese and a mix of other bloodlines, barely graduated highschool, went to prison, and can hold my breath for 2 minutes without practice. What kind of minority am I? There is no point in attempting to place me into a box of other similar people.
If I were to run a fair and non-racist, non-genderist applicant sorting process, I would have racial, gender, and other identifying information hidden from the application, and score it based on relevant criteria only.