When companies advertise giving to charity, I immediately take a step back. I don't want them to give to charity, I want them to give me the lowest price they can (or best interest rates) and offer the best products. If I want to give to charity, then I will do so as I see fit (currently 16% of my $66k gross).
Those interest rates don't impress me compared to my local credit union, which also reimburses ATM fees and has free online bill pay and no fees.
Although I don't know much about TYT, from what I've seen they aren't so much political as loud and obnoxious; especially some old guy (why is it called young Turks?) named Jenk that cuts people off when they are talking and then proceeds to yell at them.
I agree that big banks are horrible without exception, but the solution is credit unions, not hippies.
Last edited by redpoint5; 02-16-2018 at 01:35 AM..