2000 Echo random stalling
I've had this car about 1 1/2 years now but it developed a random bog/stall a couple of weeks ago. Friday before last, three time in the first mile or two of driving to work it bogged like it was running out of gas. I stepped on the clutch and it picked up again and ran okay for a bit. It was fine in the afternoon and most of the day Sunday. Sunday night it did the same thing but sputtered a bit before it picked up. Ran fine a mile or so to the store and a mile home. Just before getting home, it stalled completely. Cranked fine but wouldn't fire. threw a bottle of gas line antifreeze in the tank. Tried again about ten minutes later and it started and ran fine. tank was low so thought it could have been ice. Both days temp was below -15*F with -40* windchills, but car had been plugged in or running some. Engine was cool but not cold. Gassed it up on Monday. It was fine all week then stalled again yesterday. Temp was only 3*F and engine plugged in.
It did restart after 15-30 seconds of cranking but ran rough for a few seconds like it was starving for fuel or missing. Ran fine the rest of the day and today. I should say that I have an injector kill switch wired into the injector power wire. It's worked flawlessly for almost a year now. I did change the relay for that circuit yesterday after the stall but I don't think that would cause it, at least not directly. Every failure has been after using the kill switch but it always restarts then bogs or stalls a few seconds later. There is no CEL or stored codes and short term fuel trim is normal when it's running. I changed plugs, pcv, MAF and O2 sensors last year because of a P0171 code and the engine hasn't been exposed to any water.
It's really hard to troubleshoot being so intermittent, but now I don't trust it. Any thoughts on a possible cause or a test that might show something even without a failure? I was wondering if the fuel pump might be starting to fail. Anyone know if fuel pumps have caused much trouble on these cars?
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km