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Old 02-25-2018, 12:53 PM   #15 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Adventure Seeker - '04 Chevy Astro - Campervan
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Originally Posted by interestingstuff View Post
I'm personally concerned about the possibility for single point failure because my use will put me in locations where there is a higher risk of puncture, but that's a personal thing. They're definitely worth looking at.
Semis have the same concern. Even for them one puncture and you are on the side of the road waiting for a service truck to change a tire and that isn't cheap. Do this a couple of times and the fuel savings are gone. Luckily the largest cause of tire failure is underinflation and that can be helped with daily inspections.

How many miles per year do you expect to drive the truck? Around town or highway? Without serious miles most mods aren't going to pay back.

Slowmover has some excellent advice above. The very first thing you need to do is insure basic mechanical reliability. Towing a big truck costs thousands and roadside mechanics are also big bucks. Don't wait for something to break!
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