I've been in IT since I was 16 and have found varying degrees of free time, from a whole 13hr shift of not a single call, to my recent situation of providing IT service to all of North America, mostly making notes about the issues I won't have time to work on, and filing it into the abyss of my queue.
Back when I had a lot of time, I was on all the dating websites. The idea that I would randomly meet my wife at work or some other chance encounter seemed absurd. The odds of finding a great match go up by casting a larger net. I spent a lot of time chatting and met a few good matches from around the US. Several long term relationships resulted until finally I met the one. Met my wife on OKcupid, the best concept for a dating site that there could be (check out their analytics).
So, for a single guy who would rather not be single, I'd say browsing profiles and creating an interesting profile is a good use of slack time. It was about 5 cumulative years of online dating before I found my last date.
Originally Posted by freebeard
As it is, I don't feel like I could do justice to a jerb, because I'm glued to the screen watching the efflorecence of the zeistgeist.
I guess the key to a jorb for you would be to find more entertainment value in the work than the continual spray of mostly useless and often misleading media.