I was up to comment about that opened thing inside allowing see the tires... and say that in a street the car could pass over a piece of... and it splash inside.
But it could be fixed.
A fan or a small air vent could also be added.
But look, it had a open space in the end of the "nail".
But I would prefer it a bit more broad, maybe maybe like Aptera.
I keep thinking what car have lower drag coefficient, this one (two front wheel and one in back) or the Solarworld No.1 (one front wheel and two in the back).
The rider in the back take space, and that are that carries them are a bit lower, near the ground, than the design of Aptera, despite the head of the back riders" be almost in the topmost area of vehicle.
The pedals it's interesting, if if think about a electric assisted car, like the Twike :
But Twike it's a bit heavy, and the pedals are not direct connected to the gear or the axis, but it moves a alternator the help recharge the battery.
I notice, among such Morellis's shape vehicles, the secret of Aptera's beauty was the design of the windshield and lateral windows, that made it look pretty and cool. It's a matter of sellect the area that would be covered by glass. The headlight design and rear windows also looks nice.
These few wise details is what saved it from be a typical Morelli's boring look.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
I'd also be concerned about the lack of air recirculation in the cabin, and the smell of the riders sweating while trying to use it in a sunny day.