The Four wheel APtera was much worse than this..
It was created (project) to destroy the company, since they decided to abbandon the original and start a new one from zero, and the money just run off :
That's why many people said it was a sabotage commanded by oil industry or standart car manufacturers.
Uhnn... I imagined it was to more the vehicle left-right, but now that you pointed it.. Perhaps it's a pull/push wire to increase the speed. While one guy push to one direction, the other pull to another, increasing rotatiopn of the axi.
But if it's really this, who controlls direction ???
It's connected vey near the pedals, look.
Originally Posted by freebeard
then there is this:
What's with the orange chest straps? Bruce McCall did a cartoon (that I can't find) about a small import economy car powered by a strap around the driver's chest.