72 volts of FURY!
I got a chance today to drop two more batteries into the car.
I filled them in the "radiator-position".
Checked everything with the volt-meter before plugging it in.
The car rides faster and seemed like it had better acceleration too. Already, there is a few things I know I will need to work on the car.
Gonna need power brakes. I have an idea to use a cheap-o 12V tire inflator to suck instead of blow and create vacuum.
Six batteries also really IS all the car can take without having to modify the suspension. Feels like it's riding pretty low. I can push on the bumper and it doesn't have too many inches of bounce-back.
I am also trying to figure the best way to automatically connect power from the battery pack to the controller and motor by using the key. I have several high-amp contactors, but they are all 36V. I was thinking maybe I could use a key-switched 12v output to activate a 12v relay to activate the 36V contactor to connect the 72V battery pack. What do they call that part on the car that the cable that goes to the distributor connects to? The coil? I noticed that it outputs 12.1V no matter what the battery voltage is. Looks like it's a transformer of some sort.