Originally Posted by freebeard
Plastidip is the answer to everything.
Maybe cut disks of cardboard to press in from the front and then make a sandwich with aluminum tape on the fronts?
Compound curves will put creases in the cardboard. I experimented with paper for a template and it too was problematic. That's why I think soft, black garden weed block fabric might make the best stuff.
Something like this (I already have a roll from last year for the yard):
Thin, it could be cut easily from a template and taped in from the back, adhering to the tape and overlapping with the wheel slightly. Then black it could be black plasti-dipped from the front. I figure tape it off the sides of the holes in the rims to keep to prevent over-spray onto the wheel. Then clear dip the whole wheel.
Another thought was using the holes as molds to make inserts that "fill" these holes. Great Stuff and fiberglass came to mind as materials.