The fiberglassing is coming along, but nothing picture-worthy yet, and I'll be tied up most of this week with no time to work on it. However, one minor aeromod completed this afternoon: redesigned front wheel air dams.
Actually, these are version 2.0; version 1.0 I made entirely out of aluminum, extending 20mm below the stock air dams. However, after getting a chance to test them in the freak 4" of snow this weekend, it turns out aluminum is too rigid to use for this--they were getting bent and pulled away from the wheel well liner.
So, 2.0 uses heavy interior/exterior rubber mat I happened to find at the hardware store. The dams extend 40mm past the stock dams, to 65mm above ground. I modeled them on the Cadillac CT6 plug-in dams:
Large, two-piece for flexibility, made of heavy rubber, and wrapping around the forward part of the well.
I'll see if I can get some better pictures with the car on the ground when the weather's a little nicer.