Originally Posted by grswat
Switching from 265/70/17 tires to 255/75/17 tires or 265/70/18 wheels + tires
Possibly changing front/rear differentials from 3.73 to 3.55 or 3.31
I did some ripm's calcuemalations, and with the stock tire size:
70 mph__
3.73 - 1943 Not bad!
3.55 - 1850
3.31 - 1725
45 mph__
3.73 - 1249
3.55 - 1189
3.31 - 1109
Oh yeah, and I do vote for keeping the stock tire size, or maybe going down to the 255/75/17, I wouldn't suggest going much smaller. As far as studies I have seen, larger tires DO have lower rolling resistance(how?), but I haven't narrowed that down to width vs rim size. If you are going to do lots of highway driving, then the reduced drag from thinner tires will probably outweigh the RR difference.
My gearing vote is still on go big or go home.
Before you get new tires, check the spare. If its really old, then it would be best to put the best old tire on the spare wheel.