SolarStar is one of the highest performing and largest PV farms on the planet at 31% of its nameplate ac capacity of 600MW. Or 25% of 750MW PV capacity. Take your pick.
Germany's solar does 10%.
SolarStar uses 13 sqkm and at $2/ W would cost $1.2 Billion. It averages 190MW. We need 2,160 more SolarStars to make it to 100% of current USA electrical consumption. $2 Trillion USD. Every 20 years. And only if installed in the best desert locations That make 31%. Then we need some long wires to get from wherever to the NE USA which would only average 13% and have many days of zero if the panels were there.
Then we need 6TWh storage to store just 12 hours of USA consumption. This is 170 times the annual production of the GigaFactory. And would still fall short many days. Another $2 Trillion. Every 10 years.
Wind is slightly cheaper in the best locations but requires 10X the land area.
And electricity is only 1/3 to 1/5 of the total embodied energy that we use.