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Old 04-04-2018, 03:05 PM   #28 (permalink)
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"veganism is a failed attempt to solve a quantum problem with forced Newtonian `solution.'”

Someone wrote a blog post about how being vegan nearly killed them. It was endless nonsense pushing the agenda and then finally saying they went shopping for vegan food and someone nearly ran them over.
I am going to find them and feed them to adorable bunnies.

This one talked about all of the health problems she developed as a vegan and how certain things are cofactors for vitamins and minerals, like how your body cannot use Vitamin D without sunlight.

"The late Mahatma Gandhi devoted much of his life to the advocacy of strict vegetarian diet, and for years he experimented on his own body to find a suitable selection of plant foods on which to sustain health.

But all attempts were failures. In 1929, Gandhi and 22 companions went on a diet consisting of a limited selection of uncooked plant foods. Whereas the diet worked out well for a time and led to marked improvement in consumptive cases, it failed to prove adequate on a long-range sustenance basis. One by one Gandhi's companions were forced to depart from the diet, and Gandhi himself had to add goat milk to his fare in order to regain health.

"For my companions I have been a blind guide leading the blind," declared Gandhi after the experiment was over. Gandhi still felt, however, that "the hidden possibilities of the innumerable seeds, leaves and fruits" of the earth could be explored and found to provide mankind with adequate nourishment. He never stopped trying to experiment along these lines, but he always had to turn back to goat milk to regain his strength.

In the end he had to acknowledge the necessity for animal food. In 1946 he declared: "The crores of India today get neither milk nor ghee nor butter, nor even buttermilk. No wonder that mortality figures are on the increase and there is a lack of energy in the people. It would appear as if man is really unable to sustain life without either meat or milk and milk products. Anyone who deceives people in this regard or countenances the fraud is an enemy of India."
"The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Unbearable" by by Kelli Jae Baeli, 2010

So, people who claim to be healthy vegans also claim to be better than Ghandi.

[nothing relevant could have developed in 72 years]

Not killing animals for food makes sense to me. Not sucking petroleum out of the earth and then burning it also seems logical, but nobody likes people who say they are better than others.

Be like me! Don't tell anyone you are better than them, let that be your secret! :P
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