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Old 04-04-2018, 06:07 PM   #217 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Well, about people in prison by bad eyewitness, there is something that could help, and I don't refer about test if the witness has clean record of good character and good will.
There is today the concept of super recognizers and bad recognizers, if my translation it's ok. I saw it in a documentrary. Some people have incredible hability to recognize faces, even being able to tell if a child photo is from a grow-up new cellebrity. A super recognier woman was able to recognize George W Bush's Father by a photo of hin with with 3 years old or less.

For other side there are people who are terrible recognizers and prone to horrible mistakes. And such people are even worse in this skill for people of ethnies that are not very familiar to them, like a white person in relation to black or asian persons.
In general asian (like japaneses) are looks all similar to non asian eyes.

If eyetiness could be tested to check their recogniuzer hability, it could be of help to determine if their testemony was trustable or not.

Now back about the study to spot lies and emotion by faces, it's real. It's way more elaborated than the chart I posted. That was merely ilustrative.

Indeed we all have, or should have, some of this hability at least, but society it's so fake, people are so fake, advertises have so much of fake smiles and faked love messages, that we got used with lies and fake expressions up to lost our own hability to ready expressions.
Our civilization don't like sincerety.

One question: Have this Tesla vehicle some kind of blackbox to record setting for steering wheel move, brakes use, acceleration, front and rear view video etc ???

Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Except it doesn't work. None of those pictures convey much of anything to me. I suspect it's another scam, like face recognition. Think of all the people sitting in prison because some "eyewitness" claimed to recognize them, even when there's plenty of evidence they were far away at the time of the crime.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-04-2018 at 06:39 PM..
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