Originally Posted by Xist
How do we increase the IQ or low IQ nations? 
We'll be using gene selection in the future to design in desirable traits (and avoid undesirable ones). It's inevitable, but there will be much angry and perhaps some violent opposition until finally it's the norm. It's unavoidable, just as cutting weight for wrestling matches, or doping in the Tour de France. Competition drives these things, and if you don't jump on board, you get left behind to be irrelevant.
Secondly, with medicine now able to mitigate a myriad of health issues, there is little Darwinian selection at play. Without designer babies, we'll all have a laundry list of health problems with expensive therapies to cope with them.
Finally, with the ever increasing destructive power of the individual through advancing technology, it's very likely for an individual to easily possess devastating power. If we don't come up with solutions for mental illness (perhaps through genetic means), someone unsettled about their demonitized fitness videos will eliminate a continent or worse.
Maybe we'll design babies with less pointy teeth, multiple stomachs, and cud chewing behavior.