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Old 04-17-2018, 04:57 PM   #91 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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I had a music teacher who was of of the founders of political party PT in my city, and he is evangelic (despite make dirty jokes puting hinself on it) and always said gays had no shame on face. I would like to see what he have to say today (10 years latter) with all this pro gay and trans flags in his beloved political party.

The actual ones think this way: Everyone who disagree with them are Hitlers.

I found a year ago I have some few jew blood, since Ferraz, of my second name, came from Zarref (reversed letters order to help scape persecution on Europe). But I presume it's less than or 5%, so jew people would not see me as a jew.
I imagine it' very anoying for a jew be called of nazi. They (comunist) hate jews because jews use to have money and they hate who have money, unless themselves get money. Comunists on Brazil support muslims who treat women and gays as sh...t. They call you nazi but complete ignore the 100x worse sexism of radical muslims.

I'm in favor of gun's just for people with calm feelings and able to use it, trained, otherwise they can kill a innocent or kill for ordinary reason, as in street transit discussion, and our people (Brazil) have a lot of hot head temper.
One problem is that a bandid left no time for reaction on street. You need to take the gun off the holster, unlock, point etc.... And if many people had guns, a bandid could start a fashion of arrive alredy shooting the victim to avoid be shot. I'm in favor of capable people have the right to defend themselves, but it's more difficult than we imagine.
For other side USA laws, selling guns or even automatic guns for everyone, it's the oposite side of insanity. And the ones who advocate it don't even want to heard about controll, like sell just to people capable and psychlogically up to have a gun.

Comunists loved to kill gays, but now they reveresed things to get ellectors. They also love pot heads today. They complete ignore when we said Che Guevara and Stalin killed a lot of these people in their time.

Uiversity teachers who don't follow it try to pretend/dissimulate that believe on it, just to get some respect there in acaddemic or be allowed to some study like for PHD. I know a woman that give lesson on UNESP and when she was working to get a PHD she used to talk a lot to everyone about unjustice for gay and women, despite she gave money to a evangelic priest who said the oposite. She was married to a very rich man.

While feminazis (crazy feminist and not good feminsts from second wave) fight silly thing as a dog urine, many women on Brazil died from abusive husbands.

Try to talk about surgery fro birth controll, for people who alçready have 2 or more kids and can't care even of one, to tese radical people. They think miserable people have right to have 10 kids and the state have to give everything to them.
They also don't accept to do surgery on people who are crack addicted on streets, get pregnant and generating kids that already born addicted and brain damaged.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
And when we stand up and speak against this, we're labelled as Nazis, bigots, fascists, whatever. Once, a teacher affiliated to PSOL told me that I was being homophobe and racist because I support responsible gun ownership for good-willing citizens.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-17-2018 at 05:17 PM..
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