04-11-2018, 08:13 AM
#81 (permalink)
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At this point I think I became one of the people who don't watch TV. And TV stations today have mostly crap, garbage, brainwashing, retard atractions, and movies today are not very good, made for teens.
And cabble... no much better these days... Even Discovery Chanel became a hoo...cker, just have crap 99% of time.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
For me the weak signal is more bothersome than the quality of the converter I use. OK, I use an internal antenna while an external would be more suitable, but I'm not really willing to climb the roof of the building to place an antenna and having to run the cable down to my apartment.
I will never accept LCD.
If I won a prize of a 80 inch LCD in 8K, I give it away, sell for a lower price, or maybe make a donation to a institute... But I will never watch a movie on it. NEVER!!!
Originally Posted by Ecky
Maybe people just like LCDs better, and there's no conspiracy. Maybe the size of the screen, brightness, the reduced footprint (CRTs are so deep), generally much better integrated sound, larger number of inputs, software features (Netflix) all at a lower price, matter more than ghosting and clipped whites. Supply and demand.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-11-2018 at 08:20 AM..
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04-11-2018, 08:19 AM
#82 (permalink)
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Very well. Most people seem to feel TVs are better now. I'm sorry you're unhappy with things. Watching TV isn't great for you anyway, better to get outside, do something productive. You're probably better off for it.
04-11-2018, 08:36 AM
#83 (permalink)
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Blu ray and even DVDs are better now, but the reported resolution it's not real. In practical terms people get cabble to see 1080p HD no much better than a prime DVD interpolated to HD.
What anoys me a lot it's the lies, and not just the TVs and medias.
I challenge the Japan 8K system ! I challenge them to make a mosaic of SD images (like professional Betamax resolution) filling a 8K image area with several SD images, and keep the details of the betamax quality for each piece of the mosaic. I bet each mosaic piece will look far worse than a VHS.
Originally Posted by Ecky
Very well. Most people seem to feel TVs are better now. I'm sorry you're unhappy with things. Watching TV isn't great for you anyway, better to get outside, do something productive. You're probably better off for it.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-11-2018 at 08:41 AM..
04-12-2018, 11:27 PM
#84 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc
At this point I think I became one of the people who don't watch TV. And TV stations today have mostly crap, garbage, brainwashing, retard atractions, and movies today are not very good, made for teens.
And cabble... no much better these days... Even Discovery Chanel became a hoo...cker, just have crap 99% of time.
No wonder people in the countryside enjoy listening to local radios not affiliated to nationwide networks (such as the Globo-owned CBN, among others) more than watching TV. And even though I still think SBT is better than Globo, sometimes it also has some awful stuff. But I'm sure Globo is the worst one, with its support to some controversial matters in a way that is clearly disrespectful toward the conservative majority of this country. When it comes to brainwashing, unfortunately some of it has also been further widespread by other media such as YouTube. Or do you think some random nobody diving in a bath tub full of Nutella is less of a brainwashing than any soap-opera from Globo? Unfortunately it's all in the same standard of garbage.
When it comes to cable TV, I'm sure that at least some part of the problem might be due to the national-content laws that served only to help untalented left-leaning producers to throw their garbage and steal tax money through the Rouanet law.
04-13-2018, 12:34 AM
#85 (permalink)
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For the first time in my life I have cable TV, and I'm missing how good I had it with OTA. Picture quality of OTA was far superior, and I could record to DVR for free. Cable is "included" in the cost of rent at my apartment, but it costs $10 extra per month for DVR, and another $10 per month extra for "HD". I'm not paying for something I once enjoyed for free. This is mostly moot as I don't watch much, and when I do it's usually something on Netflix.
04-13-2018, 08:56 AM
#86 (permalink)
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If UOL was a TV broadcast, it would be worst, believe me. It got 200 millions from PT to spread extremist imoral comunist ideals around, and censor comments who dislike their agenda.
Crazy sh... psychologists and sociologists get money or space in UOL to be promoted (helps sell books), by making absurd articles. They try to erotize young teens, try to spreed adultery and narcotics as a life style.
No of these have character, they only will support what pay them, or what itr's interesting to their business somehow.
In our country I feel like everyone it's in the pocked of somebody.
Had you saw the human Ken (guy who tried to be like Barbie boyfriend) ? Globo promoted hin as a artist, but his just a poor mentaly ill guy obssed with body modification. I feel sorry for hin, like I feeled sorry for Michael Jackson, and they are just feeding his decease.
Some people says it's a comunist strategy called subversion of cultural values, to make people strange each other and weird to each other.
Of course we need to fight prejudice and sexism, the tue one and not dumb sh... But what they making it's not really that, since in reality people now are more hostile.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
But I'm sure Globo is the worst one, with its support to some controversial matters in a way that is clearly disrespectful toward the conservative majority of this country. When it comes to brainwashing, unfortunately some of it has also been further widespread by other media such as YouTube. Or do you think some random nobody diving in a bath tub full of Nutella is less of a brainwashing than any soap-opera from Globo? Unfortunately it's all in the same standard of garbage.
When it comes to cable TV, I'm sure that at least some part of the problem might be due to the national-content laws that served only to help untalented left-leaning producers to throw their garbage and steal tax money through the Rouanet law.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-13-2018 at 09:19 AM..
04-13-2018, 09:07 AM
#87 (permalink)
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That's what I say... we going back. Getting more and more chanels, with grap content, and get worse and worse quality.
The guys who tried to sell cable (digital sat TV), first said it was by fiber optcis, then said it was a mini sat antenna. He didn't have a TV to demonstrate in the office, had to put one, took more than 1 hour of late to the scheduled time of visit, and they couldn't even close the window, saying the ownwer of the place didn't allowed. Even in the relative small TV 40 inch or less with HD, and with a lot of reflexs, I could see the image had many artefacts during any motion, despite he promissed me it hadn't.
Now everytime a seeler docs in the door here, offering such system I say : " I saw it and it's a garbage, no matter if it's digital, it's a garbage and worths nothing, it's just a scam. And even if wasn't there is no good TV available to watch HD content"
That' why Im revolted with digital tecfhnology, cause I see no image signal worth of see and no TV display worth of look. It's garbage X garbage.
Would you accept a piece of meat, you would buy for a barbecue, if it was 3/4 ou cartilage, fat and bonnes ? Well.. That' how I feel about digital video. It's a f... lie.
-Resolution it's a lie, destroyed by compression and motion blur, image artefacts.
-Image clarity it's a lie, destroyed by uneven lightness, degradation even by low angles, and destroyed dynamic range with clipping whites and crushed shadows.
-And they have a courage to say these f... sh... it's a perfect image. This profunds revolts me, really. I would like to see these liars on jail.
If police arrest people who change a stock of milk, or who put some solvent on gasoline, to increase profit, they should make something against these digital liars.
And people quiet accept all these crap. This piss me off.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
For the first time in my life I have cable TV, and I'm missing how good I had it with OTA. Picture quality of OTA was far superior, and I could record to DVR for free. Cable is "included" in the cost of rent at my apartment, but it costs $10 extra per month for DVR, and another $10 per month extra for "HD". I'm not paying for something I once enjoyed for free. This is mostly moot as I don't watch much, and when I do it's usually something on Netflix.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-13-2018 at 09:23 AM..
04-17-2018, 02:24 PM
#88 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
They try to erotize young teens, try to spreed adultery and narcotics as a life style.
And when we stand up and speak against this, we're labelled as Nazis, bigots, fascists, whatever. Once, a teacher affiliated to PSOL told me that I was being homophobe and racist because I support responsible gun ownership for good-willing citizens. Man, come on, he was the one actually segregating gays and blacks, implying they couldn't fare under my definition of a good-willing citizen, and he even went to Twitter and ranted about what he called "neonazi ideas". Man, I'm proud of my Jewish background, and that scumbag affiliated to a party that usually burns Israeli flags at public demonstrations has the guts to imply that I support "neonazi ideas"? That's like a lightpole urinating at a dog.
Had you saw the human Ken (guy who tried to be like Barbie boyfriend) ? Globo promoted hin as a artist, but his just a poor mentaly ill guy obssed with body modification. I feel sorry for hin, like I feeled sorry for Michael Jackson, and they are just feeding his decease.
Yes, I've seen that guy. And yes, sometimes the obsession for plastic surgeries becomes some sort of mental disease, IIRC it's called a "body disphoria". Instead of getting encouraged to seek for help, the media pushes him to go for it, and some plastic surgeons that might be considered irresponsible go for an easy profit taking advantage of that condition, this should be considered at least anti-ethical.
Some people says it's a comunist strategy called subversion of cultural values, to make people strange each other and weird to each other.
I guess you've heard about Gramsci. His theories have been put in effect in our country...
Of course we need to fight prejudice and sexism, the tue one and not dumb sh... But what they making it's not really that, since in reality people now are more hostile.
My dad is a retired Brazilian Air Force sergeant, so I lived at military bases until a few months after I turned 12. There are people from many different racial/ethnical backgrounds at the Air Force, and many servicewomen too, and one of my dad's best friends since their training days is a black carioca. I consider this friend of my dad as much as my biological uncles. Well, even though I've been around many non-whites who believe in a doctrine that I'm familiar with, the simple fact that I don't buy into those commie standards make me a "racist" or whatever in the eyes of PT fanatics and other leftards.
When it comes to sexism, my dog is a female one, but once while I was walking her around the neighborhood some feminazis started to ranting after they saw her standing and raising a paw to urinate like male dogs do (she learned it with the boxer that my aunt used to have). Isn't that ridiculous?
04-17-2018, 03:49 PM
#89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
That's what I say... we going back. Getting more and more chanels, with grap content, and get worse and worse quality.
If you don't like it, why do you watch it? And complain that the video quality of the stuff you don't like is so bad?
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04-17-2018, 04:28 PM
#90 (permalink)
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Because it's there.
Don't you complain about politics you hate ?
They say it's perfect, even being a crap, and this turns me revolted.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
If you don't like it, why do you watch it? And complain that the video quality of the stuff you don't like is so bad?