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Old 04-19-2018, 12:17 PM   #101 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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USA have a lot of money nto keep the savages under controll. The huge number of prisioneers per 10.000 habitants.

USA have a lot of very nice people, and I had the pleasure of talk with some by web, but also have a lot of very angry people.
Brazilian justice works for punish poor people mostly.

I remamber a relative talking about a niece of hin, who was arrested for drug possession, and he was saying that it took a lot of work to take her, cause she was even selling some drug to get money for her own. But if was a poor black girl they would not talk this way, with pity, but would speak like wass talking about a bandit.

Our judges are greed, get salaries above the roof limite, get residence help even already living in luxurious homes, and vote to help any other judge in problems with law (a mafia).

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
My stance on gun control is "use both hands"

When it comes to using brainwashed kids to push for a dictatorial approach on gun control, it's a clear sign that most of the U.S. actually does it the right way. Plus the justice seems to work there, at least not being as slow as it is in Brazil.

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