I heard people talking about white refugees from there, or candidates to refugees, asking help of Canada, which denied. Is it true ?
Maybe, but Perth, Australia is talking.
Give White South African Farmers Refugee Status in Australia, Relatives Plead
Will we have white europeen refugees trying scape from a Europe dominated by slam in the future ???
He who hesitates is lost. But it's only Western Europe (Swden, UK, France and Germany). Eastern Europe has the
Visegrad Group and the
Three Seas Alliance, and Orthodox Christian Russia has their back. They haven't forgotten the
siege of Vienna in 1529.
Identity Evropa isn't going to lay down. They are currently blocking the pass between Italy and France.
Using divestment to bring down apartheid - and to stop us burning fossil fuels - is the moral and ethical thing to do.
Moral and ethical ≠ consequence free. South Africa is now a failed state.