Originally Posted by westb87
Ours are very similar with the exception of the coupe/sedan difference! I've noticed that my FE tends to maximize around 45-48. I've been able to coax TC lockup at low speeds too, which was a lot better than my 04 Ram used to! That sucker would absolutely refuse to lockup until I was doing 45mph.
Anywho, I'm going to get my hands on some packing tape to test out some grille blockage and remove the mirrors this weekend. I'll make a build thread and hopefully report back!
Prior to modding I wasn't able to consistently hit 50 MPG at 44 mph or above. Now with the mods and driving 36-43 mph (when safe) I'm able to maintain 50+ mpg on level ground.
Before modding I averaged 39 MPG with cruise control set at 55 mph. I haven't tested that since modding since I've rarely gone above 43 mph.
Packaging tape can ruin your paint, just like duct tape. I used blue painters tape and then covered it with colored duct tape. Painters tape is easy to remove (people with $10,000 paint jobs on their cars use it to protect their cars' paint jobs when taking their cars to car meets) and it doesn't damage your car's paint. And of course duct tape over it covers the ugly blue color.