This photo you posted it's from Star Trek The Next Generation, which takes in 24 century and not 23 like Captain Kirk's early voyages.
I wisely just dropped the comment and ran. Now we know who all the Trekkies are.

Things that Star Trek missed: retinal displays and brain interface .....well, excepting the Borg.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Zeus thin CRT display
In the late 1990s and early 2000s Philips Research Laboratories experimented with a type of thin CRT known as the Zeus display which contained CRT-like functionality in a flat panel display.[41][42][43][44][45] The devices were demonstrated but never marketed.
...if you can call 4" as thin.
If humanity get warp speed, it will be like give wings to snakes. I don't want this evil species destroying the universe. It's bad enough they destroy their own planet.
You do know about the Naga, right? We're the ones keeping a cork on that*.
*Specifically, at the
Ajanta Caves.