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Old 04-30-2018, 11:24 AM   #152 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I found medicine quite evil, ignorant and quite a organized crime
Some top-tier physicians act quite like members of a mafia, this is true, and even some mediocre ones when they get the most convenient political affiliations also find a way to do so. I know one of those, he's a son of a friend of my father, and even though his father is a decent man I wouldn't trust the guy because of the way he embraces some politics that I disagree. For me, most of what he says and does sound extremely hypocritical. He rants about the importance of healthcare for older people, but charges an awful amount of money from health secretaries in small towns governed by left-wing parties alligned with PT for absolutely vague speeches, and that very same money could've been better invested in other priorities. Had him been so concerned about the elders, I guess he would've been more actively engaged in practical activities, such as following the "community healthcare agents" through the slums in order to provide adequate medical attention to old people there and eventually training the community agents in their own area on better practices to deal with them. Don't you agree with me?
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