Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
...just using another example to highlight the "entitlement" mentality that some fools still believe to justify crimes performed...
One of the things that angers me so much is victim blaming. For example, when a car is broken into because a thief wants to steal the GPS unit, a certain number of people will say the owner deserves to have a broken window and stolen GPS because they left it in view of people.
My question for these people is, at what point is the criminal responsible for criminal behavior? If I keep the GPS in Fort Knox and a thief breaks in, am I to blame because I didn't keep it securely on the Moon?
It is foolish for people to not take appropriate steps to secure their safety and possessions, but they are never to blame for the criminal behavior of others. It's like blaming a woman with a short dress for getting sexually assaulted.