04-30-2018, 07:22 AM
#71 (permalink)
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04-30-2018, 10:03 AM
#72 (permalink)
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Don't talk like a "modern lady".
I refered about people say it's ok only for a thief boy be punished like that deep humiliating way, but not for a thief girl.
That idea that only man would deserve be beat...
I'm not juddging if someone deserve that for try stolen other people stuff. I'm judding the different juddment people do based in gender.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
And what's wrong with that? Bet he thinks twice before he tries to rob that woman again :-)
Last edited by All Darc; 04-30-2018 at 10:27 AM..
04-30-2018, 10:11 AM
#73 (permalink)
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I suspect you are not taking me seriously.
If I was married and got betrayed, and come here to speak about, I think people would be more understandable/supoprtive.
Maybe you (plural) think that It that happened with me, despite it show the evil ignorance of the people in that city, it's nothing cause you believe the man need to be a wolf for women.
Maybe it's because people saw a lot movies in deffense of gays but not in defense of who want to be alone.
No...no...no... Despite the monkey song analogy fun and despite Chuck's king's rocking talent, I think Elvis fits quite better for this thread about evil last feminism wave :
Originally Posted by freebeard
Last edited by All Darc; 04-30-2018 at 10:40 AM..
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04-30-2018, 12:14 PM
#74 (permalink)
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Now we reached another good point, which is the disproportionate punishment of men and women. Well, even though I am favorable to some serious (and somewhat even extreme) punishments for criminals, I believe they should apply equally to men and women. Last month I saw some posters pasted on lightpoles in my neighborhood mentioning the way female inmates deal with menstruation, which were put in the neighborhood by some feminazi group. Well, if they think it's too hard to deal with it in prison, they shouldn't be killing, robbing, carrying drugs, you know...
04-30-2018, 12:20 PM
#75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf
And what's wrong with that? Bet he thinks twice before he tries to rob that woman again :-)
Yeah, difficult for me to have sympathy for thieves, regardless of gender. A thief should expect any number of possible ways a person would retaliate if they get caught.
Humiliation is completely acceptable punishment for theft. It's probably the most fitting form for that crime.
Thieves need negative association with their behavior. When they take part in their anti-social behavior, bad things will happen.
04-30-2018, 12:41 PM
#76 (permalink)
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I also have no sympathy for thieves, and am favorable of humiliating them. They feel no guilt when they try to humiliate the victims, so why should anybody believe they're entitled to what some lefties claim as a "fair" or "human" treatment? A few years ago a black teen who was robbing at a Rio de Janeiro beach was tied to a lightpole with a bicycle padlock, there was a media outcry about it, but I guess it wouldn't be so intense if black drug dealers in the Rocinha slum had tied a white pothead to a lightpole if he had any debt with them. I'm not intending to spark a racial argument right now, just using another example to highlight the "entitlement" mentality that some fools still believe to justify crimes performed by members of certain groups. South African former soccer player Irwin Khosa sparked some controversy in 2010 when he dropped the South African equivalent of the N-word at a journalist who displayed such "entitlement" mentality.
04-30-2018, 12:57 PM
#77 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by freebeard
CR — What's the story down there about Venezuelan refugees? And what's that big new US government building in Porto Alegre?
Venecos are running away from Nicolás Maduro's dictatorship to avoid starving to death, and in some states up north such as Roraima and Amazonas there are some shelters which were set for them, but the conditions are still quite precarious. Some manage to find a menial job, others beg on the streets or engage in criminal activities, and there are those who are being "redistributed" throughout the country to other places where it would be presumably easier for them to find a job. Well, considering that it takes about one year for a Brazilian citizen to get a job, it is in fact quite outrageous to see the Venezuelans receiving some sort of privileged treatment.
When it comes to that big new US gov't building, I assume you're talking about one that is under construction beside the US consulate. Well, I don't know what it will be used for.
04-30-2018, 01:52 PM
#78 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
...just using another example to highlight the "entitlement" mentality that some fools still believe to justify crimes performed...
One of the things that angers me so much is victim blaming. For example, when a car is broken into because a thief wants to steal the GPS unit, a certain number of people will say the owner deserves to have a broken window and stolen GPS because they left it in view of people.
My question for these people is, at what point is the criminal responsible for criminal behavior? If I keep the GPS in Fort Knox and a thief breaks in, am I to blame because I didn't keep it securely on the Moon?
It is foolish for people to not take appropriate steps to secure their safety and possessions, but they are never to blame for the criminal behavior of others. It's like blaming a woman with a short dress for getting sexually assaulted.
04-30-2018, 02:16 PM
#79 (permalink)
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The temptation of vevenge it's high, I understand.
But back violence can perhaps turn the criminal worse, and next time this criminal could be with some gun.
I'm in favor of forced work, like put this boy months of forced work to give back society the damage he did, and also as punishment and re-education. Put hin to paint the walls of aschools, clean the place, cut the grass, fiz holes on floor etc...
And esterilization of people would also be made, since a lot of freak people, criminals and women who join criminals to get pregnant, almost always creat a new generation of thiefs. But the lefwing are in favor of abort up to 9 months, but consider esterilization of crap people a crime.
He incident of the thief guy on pole, I remamber well. But he was beaten and put naked there by 8 people, who later was found to be also criminals, rapist, involved in drug or drug dealing, and also thiefs.
We never see rich people be punished like that. On Brazil a politician stolen 1 billion dollars (billion and not million) of public money, and had many others process of corruption, and most expired. In one he was convicted guilt and sent to jail, but his laywers managed to say he was old and ill, and a supreme judge order to send hin to hiss multi million dolars home and stay there instead of prison. A luxurios spa as a prison. A month or less earlier he was driving a Ferrari.
Worse, amny people felt pit of hin, saying : "Poor guy, it's old, ill, suffering, let we go away." It's revoltant how many brazilians have sympathyzer with rich criminals.
This billionaire businessman was involved in scandals that involved billions, to get service & contracts to his company. And people, even after was aware of his crimes, approached hin in a airport to take selfies.
Sometimes I believe Brazil have some of the most stupid people on the galaxy .
I want to see rich criminals beaten and put naked in a pole.
Anyway justicew with own hands it's dangerous... WHat if you punish a innocent by mistake ???
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
A few years ago a black teen who was robbing at a Rio de Janeiro beach was tied to a lightpole with a bicycle padlock, there was a media outcry about it, but I guess it wouldn't be so intense if black drug dealers in the Rocinha slum had tied a white pothead to a lightpole if he had any debt with them. I'm not intending to spark a racial argument right now, just using another example to highlight the "entitlement" mentality that some fools still believe to justify crimes performed by members of certain groups. South African former soccer player Irwin Khosa sparked some controversy in 2010 when he dropped the South African equivalent of the N-word at a journalist who displayed such "entitlement" mentality.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-30-2018 at 02:39 PM..
04-30-2018, 02:26 PM
#80 (permalink)
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On Brazil they blame victims for most things.
I saw a sociologist on TV saying that the guilt for a family who was taking kids from school (private school) and was seriously attacked by criminal, that the guilty was from the family and not from the criminals, cause the criminals was poor.
I also saw a sociologist saying, about looting on Argentina, where people had stolen plasma TV and not just food from a supermarket, that it wasn't their guilty but society's guilt for allow some people to have a espensive TVs for richs and not for poor.
I would like to punch both sociologists in the face.
When some women are attacked, people blame their clothes. Also for harrasment. If a man is harassmed by a woman, people call hin gay and blame hin if he did complaim. I was harassed by young teens girls using nearly opornographic language, and I could be charged if was me to harass the girls. Even some mothers of teen girls appear to have nothing in head, thinking as normal the daughter go after a quite older guy or even get anger if he rejects her daughter.
It's a mess, not a country.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
One of the things that angers me so much is victim blaming. For example, when a car is broken into because a thief wants to steal the GPS unit, a certain number of people will say the owner deserves to have a broken window and stolen GPS because they left it in view of people.
My question for these people is, at what point is the criminal responsible for criminal behavior? If I keep the GPS in Fort Knox and a thief breaks in, am I to blame because I didn't keep it securely on the Moon?
It is foolish for people to not take appropriate steps to secure their safety and possessions, but they are never to blame for the criminal behavior of others. It's like blaming a woman with a short dress for getting sexually assaulted.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-30-2018 at 02:38 PM..