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Old 04-30-2018, 02:26 PM   #80 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Brazil
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On Brazil they blame victims for most things.
I saw a sociologist on TV saying that the guilt for a family who was taking kids from school (private school) and was seriously attacked by criminal, that the guilty was from the family and not from the criminals, cause the criminals was poor.
I also saw a sociologist saying, about looting on Argentina, where people had stolen plasma TV and not just food from a supermarket, that it wasn't their guilty but society's guilt for allow some people to have a espensive TVs for richs and not for poor.
I would like to punch both sociologists in the face.

When some women are attacked, people blame their clothes. Also for harrasment. If a man is harassmed by a woman, people call hin gay and blame hin if he did complaim. I was harassed by young teens girls using nearly opornographic language, and I could be charged if was me to harass the girls. Even some mothers of teen girls appear to have nothing in head, thinking as normal the daughter go after a quite older guy or even get anger if he rejects her daughter.
It's a mess, not a country.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
One of the things that angers me so much is victim blaming. For example, when a car is broken into because a thief wants to steal the GPS unit, a certain number of people will say the owner deserves to have a broken window and stolen GPS because they left it in view of people.

My question for these people is, at what point is the criminal responsible for criminal behavior? If I keep the GPS in Fort Knox and a thief breaks in, am I to blame because I didn't keep it securely on the Moon?

It is foolish for people to not take appropriate steps to secure their safety and possessions, but they are never to blame for the criminal behavior of others. It's like blaming a woman with a short dress for getting sexually assaulted.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-30-2018 at 02:38 PM..