Religious it's always protected... So to spread nonsense or prejudice it just needs to be inside a religion context... Untouchable...
I'm sad to discover that here it's no exception. 
One day nothing more with even few polemic will be acceptable to discuss. Our homes will me monitored, ands we will be in the 1983 movie reality.
The police of though.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Trying to alleviate your ignorance re the pentagram would get us into religious discussion, which is not acceptable here.
Yeah, I had a personal problem with doctors, and that's how I discover how much mafia and organized crime medicine have in my country. Today I would not trust even in a close family relative doctor.
We can't debate religion but you can call me ignorant... Uuhnn... If you feel better...
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Seems like a personal problem :--)