How old were you ?
Jail (real prison? ) for help guys who blew up toilets ?
I bet it (sentence) wouldn't happen if was Lindsay Lohan or Winnona Wider or Robert Downey Jr exploding things, all in their teens.
If I was a judge I would had put your friends to work in fixes equivalent to 10 times the damege they did, and you to work in fixes up to 3 times the damage you help they made.
IQ will propably drop.
We have today the most stupid people proportionaly having much more kids than intelligent people. Not just in terms of intelligence but also in terms of rightest too.
So, in terms of genetic, it's a problem. Also in terms of fetus development, today we have women using drugs while pregnant, not just tobacco and alcohol, but pot, heroin, cocain, and problems like anorexy. This will reduce oxygen and nutrients to fetus brain while in development, and increase the toxins levels. Also many babies will born with more stress, fue drug private after born, and stress also reduce devepment of intelligence. This plus the stress of problematic families, poor care, poor interactive stimulis, lack o such things that also help develop inteligence in early years of life.
Poor diet, fast food (yes-crap people give fast food to babies) reduce nutrients to brain in early years compromissing brain maturing. Health care about diseases, like vermin/parasites, also can be a problem in nutrion and so a problem for brain.
But in the end, all the crap people who had horrible care with babies since pregnancy and early years, will demand the government to make them and their kids equal to people's who had good parents, and will demand things without never blame themselves. And they still will demant the right to use heavy drugs, be a screw, all the factors that lead to their own problematic beings.
And they will keep having music, videoclips, glorifying these life style.
See the problem ?
Failed culture... failed values... Not just in poor classes, but also some middle class and even some high classes too (rising). Money pay doctors and therapies, to reduce some damage in the last two classes.