Originally Posted by All Darc
Be forced to eat only Mcdonalds food could be included as a violation of humans rights and menace to health.
There is a documentary where a guy took 1 or 2 months eating only such garbage, and the blood tests changes in result how how horrible it is for health.
That documentary was bogus. He made a rule that if the person taking the order offered something extra, like fries or to supersize the meal, he had to accept AND eat all the food. He also wasn't exercising to burn those calories.
I ate a supersize McDouble meal every lunch for a year and suffered no health consequences and was skinny. I'm sure I could eat McDonalds for every meal and even improve health through regular exercise.
I don't understand that bodybuilding, fitness guys on prison imates. From where they got so much protein, since the meals looks like for just a normal person and not to bodybuilding.
In the US, inmates have commissary, which is an opportunity to buy certain approved items including sausage, cheese, and other foods.
I never bought food from commissary because the cafeteria food was free and unlimited (except the main dish). I drank a lot of milk. In 1 month I gained 20 lbs, going from 160 to 180 lbs. When I left prison I was 190 lbs and fit.
USA culture made people believe that cheap sausage with bread and ketchup it's cool.
Ask a Japanese person what their favorite US food is. They will tell you hotdog. Ask a US person what their favorite food is; they will not tell you it is a hotdog.
I recently read that 40% of US women are obese, which means they aren't just a little overweight, but extremely overweight to the point of serious health risks. Something like 35% of men are also obese.
A bigger problem is portion control. Portion sizes in the US are huge, and people snack on junk food throughout the day and don't get enough exercise.