I found that in average 5,1% of americans have being on jail at least once.
Chances of a person go to prison is 9% formen and 1% women.
Testosteron or pratiarchal value, or both ?
Most are blacks (16,2%), followed by hispanics (9,4%) and then whites (2,5%).
That's a lot, but justice on USA use to find the criminals, while on Brazil only a minory are found, and even less if it's about crimes among rich people.
70% reincidence?
So the system doin't really work.
Can statistic be racist, or it's just statisc ? For example, police knows statistics and use it as escuse to check/searcg much more black man than white man.
What if a study tries to find out the profile of criminals int terms of clothes/dressing style ? Science or prejudice ???
Most black criminalos dress like rappers. Or don't ?
Last edited by All Darc; 05-02-2018 at 05:33 PM..