Originally Posted by rjacob
chilimac, I will interested to see what becomes of this. I have a 2000 Honda Civic, so any changes you make will be relevent to my car.
I have played with covering the fake fog light things. What I have been thinking of doing is just filling em in with expanding foam, and then carve the foam flush. I could smooth it out with bondo, sand it, and paint it to make them look like they were never there. I would want to find some spray paint to match the color of my car (paint code G95P).
I like the idea of rear wheel shirts, but most of the home-made ones I have seen are just frigging ugly! I would
Probably more hassle than it's worth but you could try and find someone with a 96-98 who wants the 99-00 bumper, but this would also involve swapping fenders and hoods if I remember right. Plus the color match would again be a huge issue.