Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
How is Orkney managing to produce over 100% of the electricity they use?
Population 20,000 and no industry. And electricity is only 20-30% of total energy consumption worldwide. Rebuildables can offer a good quality of life for 2 billion people. Costa Rica is the other darling example but they only have 5 million people in the whole country and get most of their electricity from one (of the world's largest) dam.
Germany is a good example with 115% electrical capacity from rebuildables but all winter long was running between 4-500gmCO2/ kWh because of the very poor capacity factor in winter. Not to mention the other 70% of their energy that is not electricity.
It was very sunny in Germany today. They briefly made it over 50% of electricity for a couple hours.
NY state still kicked their ass on carbon emissions by 30% with no wind or solar.