Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
what motor do you have again wootwootman? And what voltage are you running this test at?
It's a 2013 Leaf motor with a 13S Lipo (48V nominal, 54.6V peak) pack made from C-Max cells. I'm planning on eventually using the rest of the cells in my pack to bring the total to 38S (140.6V nominal, 159.6V peak)
Along with changing kp, I've also noticed a difference in changing the kp/ki ratio. In the attached pic, four usable results were averaged for ki=400 and six for ki=322. It seems going from the suggested ~60 (ki=322) to 50 (ki=400) works faster. I'll stick with this ratio and keep raising kp
EDIT: Added some kp=30,000 results. Wondering what the deal is with the occasional undershoot, it might've effected my previous average plots. Or are those undershoot-ing results the ones I'm supposed to be looking for?