Originally Posted by California98Civic
She got a perfect score on a chem test yesterday and it precipitated a conversation between us
Wonderful story! Congratulate her from all of us!!
The extent of my efforts to edumacate my extended family's younguns is offering to explain mechanics to them if they express any hint of interest. So far I've only had one nephew really take the ball and run with it.
(Maybe not coincidentally, he's also the only one of the bunch who actively wanted to learn to drive stick. He also took me up on some eco-driving coaching and did pretty well, though I don't know how much he adopted into his habits.)
Ironically, his sisters are probably doing better than he did in math and science, but so far haven't wanted to learn mechanical/car things, despite a couple of offers. (Their dad, my brother, is a civil engineer... who calls me when the family cars are acting up.